Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Did you know? : Book Donations

Did you know that the library accepts donations?  We don't just take books, either.  We take movies, games, and puzzles as well.  A few days after Christmas, a gentleman walked in and donated an e-reader! 

We are very grateful for the donations, and if we can, we will put them on our shelves for people to check out.  If we already own the book or movie, we put it in our book sale.  We have books for sale all year long.  All we charge is a reasonable donation!  The proceeds help us buy more books!

A few tips for donating to the library:
  1. Make sure items are in good shape - i.e. no torn covers or pages; binding still tight; all the pieces are with the item.
  2. Do not donate books that have been wet, even if they are now dry.
  3. Make sure items are clean without excessive dust or bug infestations.
  4. Unfortunately, we do not accept encyclopedia sets or large collections of magazines.
  5. Please do not leave items after hours. 
The next time you don't know what to do with the books you are no longer using - think of us!

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